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1. Presentation 

Academia is a professional training organization headquartered at 778 chemin du Marais, 38121 Chonas-l’Amballan. TeachMeMore SAS develops, offers, and delivers training in inter-company and intra-company settings, in-person, e-learning, or blended formats (combining both in-person and remote), in the form of boot camps or subscriptions. Some of these training programs are certification courses. All these services are hereinafter referred to as “training actions.”

2. Purpose 

These general terms and conditions of sale apply to all services listed in Article 1 organized by TeachMeMore SAS. Placing an order, particularly through an online subscription, implies full and unconditional acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale by the client. Any contrary condition, especially any general or specific condition put forward by the client, cannot prevail over these conditions unless formally and explicitly accepted by TeachMeMore SAS, regardless of when it may have been brought to its attention. The client guarantees compliance with these conditions by all its employees, representatives, and agents. The client also acknowledges that, prior to any order, they received sufficient information and advice from Academia, allowing them to ensure the suitability of the service offer to their needs.

3. Subscription 

Any subscription requires creating a user account and payment for the service. Academia SAS must be informed of specific arrangements for covering training costs at the time of registration (particularly regarding the justification for the action) and in any case before the start of the training. The same applies to payment terms practiced by the client.

4. Price and Payment 

The price for the subscription or boot camp is the one listed on the website. Prices are quoted in euros, including all taxes. They include training and educational materials. Payment is made via the method chosen on the website. Payment is only deemed made when Academia has received available funds relating to the total amount stated on the order. TeachMeMore SAS accepts payments by Visa, Mastercard, Solo, Maestro, Electron, PayPal, and Orange Money.

5. Default of Payment 

In case of non-payment, Academia reserves the right to suspend the trainee’s access until the unpaid amount is settled. If the outstanding payment is not settled within 30 days of the invoice being sent, a friendly reminder letter will be sent to the debtor. If the debt cannot be recovered amicably, Academia reserves the right to proceed with legal recovery.

6. Respective Obligations of the Parties

6.1. Obligations of Academia SAS

  • INFORMATION OBLIGATIONS: Academia commits to providing trainees with certain pre-contractual information at any time and, in any case, before any registration. This includes information required by the Consumer Code for distance contracts (Article L221-5), such as the title of the training, objectives, content, duration, names and qualifications of trainers, target audience, prerequisites, follow-up procedures, evaluation methods, certifications, documents issued upon completion, contact information for the person responsible for trainee relations, the nature of the work required from the trainee, and the completion period and submission date of this work.
  • TRAINING DELIVERY OBLIGATIONS: Academia SAS commits to carrying out all actions planned at the time of the trainee’s registration. It undertakes to execute the training action established in line with the predetermined objectives, using the necessary educational and technical resources (providing educational materials and documentation). Academia SAS guarantees site access by providing trainees with the necessary login credentials to benefit from the services included in the training. These services are accessible for the subscribed duration, starting from the date indicated in the summary sent to the trainee upon subscription confirmation. Academia SAS commits to providing the training with all reasonable diligence and care according to professional standards. Being subject to a best-efforts obligation, it will only be liable to the trainee in case of proven fault and solely for direct damages resulting from poor execution of its training services, excluding any indirect damages.
  • EXAMINATION AND COMPETITION REGISTRATION OBLIGATIONS: Academia SAS informs the trainee about the registration conditions (opening and closing dates, registration procedures) for the certification, the certification requirements, and the documents issued upon successful completion. It validates the trainee’s prerequisites for the certification training. In any case, it is subject to a best-efforts obligation and not a results obligation regarding the trainee’s certification success.

6.2. Obligations of the Subscriber T

he subscriber commits to paying the price of the training action. They accept the internal regulations and terms of use of Academia SAS’s website, accessible via this link:

7. Guarantees 

To ensure a better user experience, Academia offers a satisfaction guarantee for the first month of subscription, with a money-back policy. User satisfaction is assessed based on objective criteria at the discretion of Academia SAS.

8. Cancellation or Postponement by the Client 

Any cancellation must be communicated in writing. If the client is an individual undertaking the training for personal purposes, they can withdraw within 14 days after signing the contract using the following form: [link to form]. For individuals and legal entities, if a cancellation occurs within the month preceding the start date of the service, except in cases of force majeure, Academia SAS will charge the actual expenses incurred or committed for the service and reserves the right to charge cancellation fees up to the full price of the service. In case of cancellation after the start of the service, absence, abandonment, or non-performance of the planned activities, for in-person or e-learning training, Academia SAS will charge the client the full price of the service. In particular cases of absence or abandonment by the trainee leading to a reduction in the funding of training costs by the intended financiers, Academia SAS reserves the right to charge the trainee the due amounts. If the abandonment is due to force majeure, duly recognized and reported by the client by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, including all relevant supporting documents, payment is due only in proportion to the training hours provided by TeachMeMore SAS until the date of receipt of the letter.

9. Cancellation or Postponement by Academia SAS 

Academia SAS reserves the right to postpone or cancel training, particularly if the number of participants is insufficient to ensure the proper conduct of the training session. In this case, the client will be notified as soon as possible of the cancellation or postponement. No compensation can be paid to the client under any circumstances. In exceptional cases and in cases of force majeure, Academia SAS reserves the right to:

  • Replace the initially planned trainers with others ensuring equivalent quality training,
  • If the training cannot take place in person under the planned conditions, implement the training through adapted modalities to meet the objectives set in the training action program,
  • Cancel the training action. In all these cases, no compensation or reimbursement can be requested by the client. In case of partial completion of the training due to Academia SAS, invoicing will be prorated based on the completed hours compared to the planned hours.

10. Intellectual Property 

The content of the training actions are protected works under national and international copyright and neighboring rights provisions. Academia SAS solely owns the intellectual property rights to all the training actions it offers to its clients. Therefore, all content and educational materials in any form (paper, electronic, digital, oral) used by TeachMeMore SAS for training remain its exclusive property. They cannot be used, modified, reproduced, or exploited without express authorization within or outside the client organization. The client is particularly prohibited from using the training content to train other individuals besides their own staff and is liable under Articles L. 122-4 and L. 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code in case of unauthorized distribution or communication of the content. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, transmission, or distortion, total or partial, of the training content, including distance training, is strictly prohibited, regardless of the method and medium used. TeachMeMore SAS retains ownership of its tools, methods, and know-how developed before or during the execution of services at the client.

11. Communication T

he client agrees to be cited by Academia SAS as a client of its training. Unless specific commitments are made and subject to Article 13, TeachMeMore SAS may mention the client’s name, logo, and an objective description of the nature of the services under the contract in its reference lists and proposals to its prospects and customers, particularly on its website, in discussions with third parties, communications to its staff, internal management documents, and if required by legal, regulatory, or accounting provisions.

12. Protection of Personal Data 

The processing of your personal data is governed by our privacy policy in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016. You have the right to access, rectify, delete, limit processing, and object to your data under the conditions provided by the applicable regulations, at the following address: You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the supervisory authority responsible for ensuring compliance with personal data obligations.

13. Disputes 

Trainees or clients can contact the Academia SAS mediator at: If an amicable resolution is not achieved, any dispute of any nature or any dispute relating to a training action or the execution of the order will be submitted to the competent court in Lyon. The liability of Academia SAS towards the client cannot exceed the total amount paid by the client under these conditions.

14. Applicable Law – Jurisdiction 

These general conditions are governed by French law. In case of a dispute between the client and Academia SAS during the execution of the contract, an amicable solution will be sought, and failing that, the competent court in Lyon will resolve the matter.

15. Force Majeure 

The service provider’s liability cannot be engaged if the non-performance or delay in the performance of any of its obligations described in these GTC results from a case of force majeure, understood as any external, unforeseeable, and irresistible event under Article 1148 of the Civil Code. Force majeure or fortuitous events include, in addition to those usually recognized by French courts and tribunals, without limitation: illness or accident of a consultant or trainer, internal or external strikes or social conflicts at TeachMeMore SAS, natural disasters, fires, telecommunications interruptions, energy supply interruptions, communication or transportation interruptions of any kind, declared or undeclared war events, general labor strikes, epidemic diseases, quarantine, fire, exceptional flooding, accidents, or other events beyond the control of the parties.

16. Miscellaneous 

These conditions express the entirety of the client’s and Academia SAS’s obligations. Academia SAS reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms of these conditions, with the applicable conditions being those in effect on the date of the client’s order. If any provision of these conditions is deemed null under a present or future legal or regulatory provision or a final court decision from a competent jurisdiction or body, that provision will be considered unwritten, without affecting the binding nature of all other provisions of these conditions between the parties.