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By accessing this website and the information it contains, the internet user, hereinafter referred to as the “User,” acknowledges having read these General Terms of Use, hereinafter referred to as “GTU,” and agrees to comply with them. The publisher reserves the right to modify these GTU at any time, particularly to adapt them to changes on the site. The User agrees to consult them regularly and is deemed to accept the latest version each time they connect to the site.

1. Presentation & Purpose of the Site 

This website is an information and presentation site for the public (clients and non-clients of Academia SAS) about the activities and offers marketed by Academia, including their services (online courses, boot camps) and subscriptions (monthly and annual). This website also serves as Academia SAS’s e-learning portal, hereinafter referred to as the “e-learning platform.” The e-learning platform is accessible, after entering personal login credentials in the “LOGIN” section, to any User who has previously subscribed to a course or subscription.

2. Access Conditions 

This website is subject to French law. Most of the content and services are offered in French. If any of them are published in English, the French version will prevail in the event of a dispute.

2.1 Site Accessibility 

This site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure, third-party actions, and/or maintenance work and necessary interventions for the site’s proper functioning. In such cases, this interruption will be notified by a warning on the homepage or by any other means. This interruption cannot, under any circumstances, engage the publisher’s liability and does not entitle the User to any compensation. Furthermore, the publisher may terminate access to this site at any time following any breach of these conditions by the User.

2.2 User Account 

To fully participate in the activities offered by the site, you must create a user account by providing: a username, an email address, and a password. When setting up your profile, you may be required to provide additional information.

2.3 Login Credentials 

The User is solely responsible for keeping their login credentials and passwords confidential and not accessible. In the event of their loss or theft, or if you believe that a third party has accessed your profile, you agree to inform Academia via email:

2.4 User Profile 

The User agrees to provide accurate information that corresponds to their current situation and to update it if necessary. The User agrees not to create a false identity that could mislead anyone.

2.5 Pricing 

Access to this website is free, except for internet access and telephone communication costs, which are billed directly by the operators.

3. Intellectual Property 

This website should be considered an indivisible whole. All elements (information, data, text, sounds, images, drawings, graphics, distinctive signs, logos, trademarks, etc.) are the exclusive property of the publisher and are subject to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. They are, therefore, protected against any unauthorized use by law or these terms of use. Courses available on the site can only be used for strictly personal purposes. Thus, it is strictly forbidden to modify, assemble, decompile, assign, sublicense, transfer, copy, translate, reproduce, sell, publish, exploit, and distribute in any format whatsoever, all or part of the information, texts, photos, images, videos, and data present on this site. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes counterfeiting and may result in civil and criminal liability for the infringer. In particular, it is strictly forbidden to use or reproduce the name “Academia” and/or its logo, alone or combined, for any purpose, especially for advertising, without the prior written consent of the publisher. Likewise, downloading or any other form of copying software or information on the site does not confer any rights over them. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (electronically or otherwise), and modify them. It is also forbidden to use this site for public or commercial purposes without the prior written permission of the publisher.

4. Warning on Disseminated Information 

The publisher of this website, Academia SAS, strives to ensure the accuracy and update of the information published on this site, which it reserves the right to correct at any time and without notice. However, the publisher cannot guarantee the completeness or absence of modification by a third party (intrusion, virus, etc.). The User is informed that the content of this website is for informational purposes only. The information contained herein cannot be equated with a public offer, solicitation, or canvassing by the publisher towards the User.

4.1 Information on Products and Services 

Any online subscription request for a product or service offered by Academia implies the submission of the operation to the contractual and pricing conditions in force and to French law. For any information request, the User is invited to contact Academia’s customer service whose contact details are listed on the website.

4.2 Other General Information Provided Non-Contractually 

Other general information (certifications, etc.) is provided for informational purposes only and is not contractual. Despite all the care taken in updating this information and its content, the documents posted online may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors that cannot engage the publisher’s liability in any way.

4.3 Hypertext Links 

The existence of a hypertext link on this site leading to another site does not constitute a validation of that other site or its content. The User decides, at their own risk, to access another site via a hypertext link: the publisher assumes no responsibility for these sites, their content, advertisements, products, or services available on or from these sites. Moreover, the publisher cannot be held responsible for the information, opinions, and recommendations expressed by these third parties. Finally, any hypertext link to this website must be expressly and priorly authorized by the publisher, who reserves the right to remove this link at any time.

5. Use of the Site and its Tools

5.1 General Use of the Site 

The User is informed that the use of the internet does not guarantee the secrecy of correspondence; it is the User’s responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and tools. Thus, the User acknowledges:

  • That the communication of any access codes or, more generally, any information considered confidential is done under their own responsibility;

  • That it is their responsibility to take all necessary measures to ensure that the technical characteristics of their computer allow them to view the content;

  • That it is their responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating through the Academia site.

In general, the User agrees to respect the integrity of the site and refrains from hindering or forcing its functioning, modifying, altering, or fraudulently deleting the content accessible via the site, and fraudulently introducing data into the site.

5.2 Liability 

As a result of using the website, the publisher:

  • Cannot be held responsible for any damage that may be suffered during a visit to the site, by the User’s technical environment, including their computers, software, network equipment (modems, telephones, etc.), and any other material used to access or use the service and/or information;

  • Cannot be held responsible in case of misuse of the site by the User;

  • Cannot be held responsible for the reliability of data transmission, access times, any access restrictions on the internet or connected networks;

  • Cannot be held responsible in case of network access interruptions to the site, total or partial unavailability of the site resulting from the telecommunications operator, transmission errors, or security issues with transmissions, hardware failures, or your telephone line.

5.3 Collaborative Spaces / Moderation Charter 

This website may provide Users with collaborative spaces allowing them to consult and/or publish contributions (feedback, service ratings) in the form of comments on the themes addressed on the site. It is specified that the publisher reserves the right to restrict access to the publication functionalities of contributions to subscribed users only. Data collected in the contribution publication forms will be subject to personal data processing under the conditions set out in the site’s data protection policy. User contributions are pre-moderated, and their publication will not be instantaneous: all comments are read before publication by a moderator and may be deleted, with or without informing the User if they are not related to the discussion topic, the site’s editorial line, or if they are contrary to the law.

5.4 Chat and Video Tools 

This website may allow the User to access an electronic instant messaging service, hereinafter “Chat,” and video conferencing, hereinafter “Jitsee.” This service is available to obtain any information related to a product or service marketed by the publisher. Providing information about a product or service does not imply the User’s eligibility for this product or service. The publisher also reserves the right to offer the User the completion of operations concerning a product or service (boot camp) via the Chat or Video service. In such cases, the publisher may require the User to undergo an additional authentication procedure using specific security devices that vary depending on the sensitivity of the operations (SMS code, for example), and to record and keep conversations for a duration compliant with current legal provisions. Furthermore, all necessary contractual documents (general terms of the relevant products, prices, any information notices, documents containing subscription terms and rules, etc.) will be provided to the User following the legal provisions in force.

6. Personal Data 

The processing of your personal data is governed by our privacy policy in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016. You have the right to access, rectify, delete, limit processing, and object to your data under the conditions provided by the applicable regulations, at the following address: You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the supervisory authority responsible for ensuring compliance with personal data obligations.
